Lifetime planning for you and your family

Call For A Free Initial Consultation.

It Is Never Too Late There is something
you can do.

Is It Possible For Me To Transfer Assets To My Children And Still Be Eligible For Medicaid?

The transfer rules are very complex. Only make transfers with the assistance of an attorney who is knowledgeable and experienced in Medicaid.

Still Have More Questions?

Contact our experienced Upstate New York elder law attorneys to schedule a free initial consultation.

Our firm focuses our practice on estate planning and Medicaid planning. We are also very experienced in handling elder law, irrevocable trust , revocable trust, basic estate planning(Will, Power of Attorney, Health Care Proxy), Medicaid law , and children with disabilities / supplemental (special) needs trust matters.

The Koldin Law Center handles the entire Medicaid application process for the client with the goal of preserving and protecting some or all of the family life savings from the costs of Nursing Home care.

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Practice Areas

Basic Estate Planning

Trust Planning

Medicaid Planning And MedicaidApplications

Planning For Individuals With Disabilities

Probate And EstateAdministration