Scam Alert: Recorded Deed Notice
This entry was posted on November 3, 2014
There has been a recent scam regarding recorded deeds that is being mailed to people titled “Recorded Deed Notice” and has the following opening sentence, “Why you need a copy of Your Current Grant Deed and Property Assessment Profile?”
When you sign a deed and have it recorded, you will receive your original deed back from the County Clerk for your records. The recorded deed is on file with the County Clerk. There is no reason you need to periodically obtain a copy of your recorded deed. If you ever desire a copy of your recorded deed, you can go to the County Clerk’s office and obtain a copy without any cost other than possibly the photocopying charge. A certified copy of your deed may also be obtained at the County Clerk’s office for a small fee.
You also don’t need to obtain a “Property Assessment Profile.” You receive your assessment information on your annual property tax bills.
This Notice is a scam and should be discarded.
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